Monday 11 March 2013

Suguna - Tiny in size, ferocious with young minds

By: Nadira Azhar

AN ambitious, noble lecturer teaches in SEGi University, for only just one month, to have won the hearts of her faculty students with the way she delivers her teachings.

29-year-old Suguna Sunniah, also known by many as Ms. Suguna, has been dubbed “Most Favorite Lecturer” for the Faculty of Business, Accountancy and Management (Fobam) in SEGi University, Kota Damansara.

Small in size, humble in words, this dynamic lecturer gives a great impact towards her students in order for them to be prepared for the real-world challenges. 

Ms. Sugana - don't let her size fool you.

She has been taught that knowledge and education go hand-in-hand in order to produce a skillful individual that can enhance the society we live in.

Suguna gradually polishes her skills while giving back her acquired knowledge to her Fobam students. 
International Business, Managing Organization and Sole Introduction to Strategic Management subjects she teaches.

She has also been given the duty as a thesis advisor for these senior students programmed under the University of Sunderland, UK.

On top of all of that, she plans to pursue a doctorate (Ph.D.) in Organizational Behavior.

The question comes to mind, “Why is she the most memorable amongst her students?”

Out of 21 lecturers in the faculty nominated, she was chosen as the best, the most memorable and most favorable from the students.

Her teaching philosophy is quite modest: understand her students and laugh along with them. She believes these are important factors that should be pursued by all lecturers.

“It is easier to carry out my classes when I can understand my students very well,” enlightens Suguna.

“More time can be given to those who need more attention,” she adds, “while bright and easy-to-pick-up students are given less. 

Suguna prepares herself before she enters her first class Monday morning.

Before she starts her lecture or tutorial, she kindly greets them with her dazzling smile and begins right away with an IQ question to start the day.

Eventually, she observes their performance level and identifies the slow from the fast learners.

Sometimes, she faces difficulties trying to comprehend these slow learners. She sympathizes one student in particular, for the learning affliction the student has.

“Most students in my class are not able to accept this drawback, so they are likely to reject this student from being in their group activities,” worries Suguna.

However, Suguna always give words of encouragement to this student and offer more of her attention and help.

With every great lecturer, there are always certain philosophies they govern by, and ones that students must adhere to.

One should not be fooled by her petite and friendly appearance, as Suguna gives firm guidelines for her students.

She is seemingly specific in rules like attending classes on time, and definitely not signing attendance for others.

Even with her guidelines, however, she will not punish these affected students; instead, she will give them something to laugh about and ask for a performance of either dancing or singing in front of class for them to learn their mistakes.

One of her students, Bassam Ali comments, “I love Ms. Suguna and how she interacts with her student. I always laugh in her class, because there are always students late, and they always have to do performances in class!”

“At the end of the day, I only want my students to be responsible during their college life, so they can bring those values into the real world,” stated Suguna.

“Revision? Get outta here! I don’t do revision!”

Right from day one, Suguna pinpoints on the topics she want the students to put more focus on. “You never know, these might come out for your exams,” Suguna hints to her students.

Not wanting to spoon feed her students, she will never specifically hand delivers the exam questions, but her method is to train her students to understand the theories learnt.

With theory, comes practical.

In exams, she challenges her students by asking questions based on their personal life experience.

“If they want to convey themselves as managers, give it from a manager’s point-of-view.” Suguna adds, 

“Books are only there to sugarcoat the cake when it comes to exams.”

Professionally, she gives a stern stare towards education, however, personally, Suguna reveals a lovely soul to be around with, and with her “best buddy” around, she could not agree more!

“Being a lecturer, we can’t always grade notes 24/7; we need our entertainment as well.

“And my best buddy here, sitting right behind me at my workstation, is always there to cheer me up!” Suguna grins as she elucidates.

Her best buddy - motivation throughout the day.

Behind her smile, however, reveals pain and sorrow. Recently, Suguna lost a soul very close and dear to her heart.

Some say, no amount of pain can take away the love, others say no amount of love can take away the pain.

She soldiers on by brightening up the hearts of hundreds of students and admirers whom look up to her for knowledge.

Suguna is seen by her students as a woman of courage.  

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